- コンピューターは情報を蓄積し処理する目ざましい能力をもっている
computers have a prodigious ability to store and process information 意味
- "computers capable of fast associative retrieval" 意味
- "computers do not use mechanical gears" 意味
- "computers eliminate paperwork" 意味
- "computers exert a great influence on our daily life" 意味
- "computers give quick and reliable access to information" 意味
- "computers have attained greater sophistication" 意味
- "computers have introduced quite a new vocabulary" 意味
- "computers organize and store data" 意味
- "computers that behave intelligently" 意味
- "computers exert a great influence on our daily life" 意味
- "computers give quick and reliable access to information" 意味
- "computers have attained greater sophistication" 意味
- "computers have introduced quite a new vocabulary" 意味